Saturday, August 11, 2007

AVN Unveils New Site:


It's actually very well done, they got rid of the pop ups for one. it loads a little faster but I have yet to analyze what all info they are collecting from you. I still wouldnt try this site on dial up unless you have a lot of time to wait on it.

At first glance I noticed that the headlines continuously rotate and the adspace has been thinned a bit

Then I noticed a weekly (or so) podcast with none other tha HWMIC Paul Fishbein. The first one being with John Stagliano. As I listened to it it becanme very obvious its no more than a let John pimp his products bit.

Nothing about his lawsuit against kaytel, nothing about his HIV nothing controverial....a few political views but mostly a long ad for evil angel, fashionistsa (the vegas show) and various websites.

Id like to see this grow into something with more substance and hopefully it will.

Paul is a very nice guy and I dont see him getting controversial.

I think they need me to do a regular podcast, I have no problem asking tough questions, but in a nice manner....well...sometimes.

One thing I will say is that this site is WAY better than the xbiz site and it has good potential.

The serach function doesnt work (fails with a cold fusion error) but since the site hasnt yet been officially announced I wont hold that against them.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Midori Writes:

I think people should simply put the shoe on the other foot and think about how it would feel to be poked fun at or demeaned, in front of the world...still? Do you really want to be responsible for opening up deep wounds from past hurts that some old idiots caused? Ask yourself what is the difference between you and them then?...We all should know better and do better!
My dad use to say "if you're not part of the solution, then you're part of the problem"

That's why I love and common sense.

And Midori Reminded Me Of A Porn Story I Will Alway Remember:

Way back when AVN used to do an annual Halloween party. I think it was 1997 that I flew out to L.A. and took Midori as my date.

I will never forget entering the party and mingling around and seeing a man dressed like Grandpa Munster from the TV show "The Munsters".

I walked up to this gentleman and complimented him on his costume, noting that he looked EXACTLY like Grandpa Munster, at which point he offered his hand and asked my name...."Mike South" I said, shaking his hand.

His reply; "Hi Mike Nice to meet you I'm Al Lewis"

No wonder his costume looked so real....

When I returned to Atlanta a couple of weeks after I got back Al was booked on a local Rock radio station 96 Rock and he told that story.

After that I always remembered him and he remembered me. He was a nice guy to be sure.

The Good Guys Win One:


LOS ANGELES — After slightly more than a day of deliberations, a nine-member federal jury has awarded Evil Angel $11.2 million in its piracy and copyright infringement case against Canadian distributor Kaytel, principal Alain Emaleh and Leisure Time Canada.

Jules Jordan, who was part of the Evil Angel lawsuit, was awarded slightly less than $5 million.

Of course as anyone who has ever dealt with a distributor in porn will tell you...winning a judgment is one thing...collecting it is quite another, but the good thing is theres one less piracy ring stealing from us.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

The Response To A. Nigger Has Been Interesting Indeed:

Peter Reynolds said Over on AVN:

Peter Reynolds said he stands by the title and denies all implications of racism.
"First of all, I think it's a parody, and the name is totally innocent," Reynolds told AVN. "The whole thing is supposed to be humorous, and we should all not take ourselves so seriously. We're getting a lot of pre-orders, so it's obviously resonating with the buyers out there, and that's making me happy."
Some might wonder if Mullen himself sent the initial e-mail to Mike South in order to drum up publicity for his movie. But the producer insists he did no such thing.

Now he didn't send that to ME but ...

Common Sense Writes:

par·o·dy [par-uh-dee] -noun
1.a humorous or satirical imitation of a serious piece of literature or writing: his hilarious parody of Hamlet's soliloquy.
2. the genre of literary composition represented by such imitations.
3 .a burlesque imitation of a musical composition.
4.any humorous, satirical, or burlesque imitation, as of a person, event, etc.
5. a poor or feeble imitation or semblance; travesty: His acting is a parody of his past greatness.
-verb (used with object)
7. to imitate (a composition, author, etc.) for purposes of ridicule or satire.
8. to imitate poorly or feebly; travesty.

For Reynolds to say this is a parody is complete idiocy. Pulp Friction was a parody, as was Lady Scarface and Britney Rears. I like definition 8. He's closer to a parody by definition. He imitates a literate professional poorly or feebly and the only travesty is that he still has a job. Too bad that earthquake we had here didn't shake some sense into Adam & Eve canning this clown.

Apparently my original writer is not alone in his views, he has written me again but doesn't wish to make any further comment because there is a lot of speculation about who A. Nigger is and it isn't to pat him on the back, more like shoot him there.

Personally I found it rather humorous that the reference to "Blackzilla" was made yet not one reference was made to a title that would indicate that Black men are something other than animals or monsters.

It's good that this issue has come to light, maybe Phil Harvey wasn't aware that he was putting his name on this.

Evil Angel Wins One BUT Is the War Lost?


Here are just a FEW titles available on the internet, for FREE in FULL DVD 5 or 9 with all menus and extras....IF one knows where to find them.

***Titles only available on***

and this is nowhere near all of them...these are only a few of the ones posted this week. These arent cheap rips these are full DVD rips, menus and all. and are digitally Identical to the master.

Every single studio in porn valley has product being stolen and posted daily. Evil Angel, Digital Playgroud, Vivid, Wicked, VCA, Hustler, Homegrown, Elegant Angel, Evasive Angles, Jules Jordan Video, Naughty America, Adam and Eve, Bad Seed, Third Degree, Zero Tolerance, Anabolic, Diabolic, 5th Element, Black Ice, Nectar, Platinum X, Red Light District, New Sensations, North Star...You get the picture.

Usually the title is available the same day its released, its free...anyone with internet can download it and burn it and play it on any DVD.

The big question is can it be stopped? The answer is....I doubt it.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Ya Gotta Admire Porners...Jeff Mullen Out Adellas Adella:


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Friday, August 8th, 2007

Is Long Dong Black Kong Too Shocking?

(HOLLYWOOD, CA) The interracial sex series Long Dong Black Kong makes a splashy debut August 14th from Bad Seed/X-Play and already the very thought of this title is being called offensive by some.

A letter posted on a prominent adult industry website stated that “it is insulting, degrading and I would honestly rather be called a nigger, that way I know where I stand with your company.”

“We knew we were creating something that was a bit shocking, but we thought it was going to be strictly from the fact that little white girls were getting screwed by massively large black dicks in living color,” stated the series’ director Will Ryder.

While dirty interracial sex is nothing new to the adult entertainment industry, it is in the way that these sweet innocent girls engage in sex under the rather daring and apparently shocking movie title that leads to such racist conclusions.

The very words Long Dong Black Kong is forging visions of King Kong which apparently is enough for some to pull the race card but the movie’s producers don’t see it that way.

“I never once thought about that until a girlfriend of mine pointed it out to me after she mentioned the title to her very shocked mother during a discussion,” stated the movie’s co-producer Jeff Mullen.

“I have met some scum bag racists over the years and we are not one of them. This is a very nicely produced interracial hardcore sex series and if we’ve pushed somebody’s buttons then so be it, but we didn’t intentionally go out to hurt anyone’s feelings,” Mullen offered.

“The message about Long Dong Black Kong should be that black is beautiful baby,” Ryder added. “Maybe we should have called the movie that instead, but Long Dong Black Kong just sounds so much better.”

The debut edition stars Emily Evermore, Veronique Vega, Bree Olson, Kissy Kapri, and Leah Luv in nasty action with Long Dong Black Kong in some spectacular, dirty sex positions.

The movie does open up with a mention that in the 1950s Brown versus the Board of Education paved the way for blacks and whites to integrate, but nobody thought that black guys would be banging while girls like this.

“This is not a racist series by any stretch of the imagination. It is shocking and graphic but most good porn is. We’re not living back in the 1950s during the era of the Board of Education”, Mullen concluded.

Long Dong Black Kong will be in stores everywhere August 14th from Bad Seed/X-Play. Ask for it by name! You’ll be glad you did.

Well as we all know, Will Ryder and Jeff Mullen are one and the same. What i wanna know is where is Adam and Eve ofn this issue...they haven't rang in that I know of. Maybe they can change the name to Adam and Eve and Long Dong Black Kong


Monday, August 6, 2007

Remember The Tampa Show Documentary?


Remember The Tampa Show Documentary?

Well You can see a trailer for it HERE

It has been in several film festivals and even won a time or two...check it out!

I'd Rather You Call Me A Nigger:

(Email sent to me by a black male performer)

Mr South,

I send this to you because I know you will post it honestly if you post it.

As black man, I am really getting tired of the way we are portrayed by our industry. We are made out either to be animals or monsters. It is bad enough when a gonzo company puts out a title like "Big Black Monster Dicks and Little White Chicks" but now we have a respected company releasing one called "Long Dong Black Kong" is this something that Adam and Eve is proud to put their name on? Some one needs to slap Peter Reynolds upside his fool head with a "Long Dong".

It is insulting, degrading and I would honestly rather be called a nigger, that way I know where I stand with your company.

Thank you Mike, for letting me get this off my chest.

A. Nigger

You are welcome man and I totally agree with you. If a company makes it's living doing schtick then hey if you want to be a part of that title gofor it, but for a ccompany like Adam and Eve, I agree with you that it is insulting, I don't think Phil Harvey intends togo the route of Extreme, but hell what do I know? Thanks for writing man and good luck.