Friday, August 24, 2007

When The Going gets Tough, The Tough Go Fishing:

Im fishing in the annual MBARA Kingfish tournament this weekend, wish me luck! I havent fished as much as Id like this year due to the surgery and all but this will be a real test.

Expect pictures of dead fish.

A Doubting Thomas Questions My Sources And Causes a EXCLUSIVE:

A Doubting Thomas Questions My Sources And Causes a EXCLUSIVE:

ADT Writes:

"OK Mister Fucking Know It All. Who is the new contract girl that Club Jenna will announce this weekend. If you get this one I will bow before you and proclaim you to be Lord Master South of all the adult blogs."

OK ADT On your fucking knees...How dare you impugn my most excellent sources, truth is until your letter I didn't give it much thought but my all powerful and mighty sources once again had an immediate answer.

Meet Kendall


Oh ya she is smokin hot

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Happy Birthday To TIM CASE Who Turned 42 Yesterday!

Happy Birthday To TIM CASE Who Turned 42 Yesterday!

Monday, August 20, 2007

I don’t think that the industry has any idea of the exact magnitude of the torrent ability:

I don’t think that the industry has any idea of the exact magnitude of the torrent ability. Less than 1000 times will these DVD’s be downloaded on the torrent sites. This number includes the .avi file and the DVD version, which are 4.36 GB in size. However, I think the main point that most miss is the possibility of bootlegging one decent copy from the internet and then putting it on sale on the streets. This is the harder number to keep track of. If the piracy was limited to the internet, then this wouldn’t be much of a concern to the companies. My reason behind this theory is that the people that download the .avi version were not going to buy the DVD regardless. This type of user is just trying to secure the services of quick entertainment. What the industry fails to realize is the full menu versions, which sales from the bootlegged copy are immeasurable. Therefore, the industry should do more to prevent this. Their main problem is that shutting down one site usually leads to the birth of a more efficient, stealth site that shall provide the torrents to these users.

I am a graduating law student and have taken computer law. The recent case involving Grokster shed light on possible defenses against piracy. Grokster, unlike Napster, did not hold the files on its site. However, the entertainment industry won because Grokster was indirectly receiving the benefits of the pirated content, advertising revenue, mainly by providing access to the pirated content. All of these torrent sites operate off of advertising dollars. The connection has been made and the law is on the entertainment’s side.

The porn industry would have to consolidate their resources to attempt to shut down these sites, which is unlikely. Nevertheless, there is the ability to stop the bleeding momentarily, if albeit briefly.

Donnie Boy Riguez

P.S. A big fan, so keep up the good work.

I think Donnie hits the nail on the head. Apparently theres some concern over the issue that has prompted an industry round table in LA on Sept. 5th. While I applaud the concern it appears to me to be a bit misguided.

First thats only 2 weeks away and two weeks isnt long enough to even get their arms around the issue to know what they are discussing, much less propose solutions on how to fix it.

Second This needs to invlove people outside porn valley...particularly internet people and Sept 5th is unrealistic to ask them to participate. This should be done in conjunction with Adult Expo and Internext for maximum turnout and maximum effect. It seems business as usual in that Porn Valley seems to think that this business doesn't have anyone meaningful who doesn't operate from there. Too bad, it could have had potential, a reactionary response simply isnt going to cut it, or to coin a Mike South-ism You can take the right road, but if all you do is stand in the middle of it yer gonna be road kill.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Are Your Representatives More Conservative than a 2nd-Grader?


Are Your Representatives More Conservative than a 2nd-Grader?
Chuck Muth,
August 13, 2007

It's not in the interest of the government's education system to teach kids to question laws and challenge authority - you know, the way the Founding Fathers did. What's in the government's interest is blind obedience and unquestioning submission. You know, like the way everyone dutifully parades through those airport checkpoints without raising a stink. Baa-aaaa!

So even if you don't home-school your children, it's important for conservatives to teach their children what it means to really be an American citizen in this regard because, as the Founders recognized, freedom and liberty aren't a natural state of existence for human beings. Humans have an inherent desire for someone else to take care of them. You know, like Social Security.

Which brings me to the home-school lesson my 2nd-grader, Kristen, was hit with this week titled, "Rules and Laws." It turned out to be a rather interesting and eye-opening experience which I highly recommend to all conservatives with children of any age - ESPECIALLY if they're attending a public school: "Pretend you are a leader who is in charge of deciding the laws for your country. Create five new laws that the people of your country will have to obey."

As you can imagine, Kristen was in seventh heaven at the notion of running her own country and coming up with rules everyone else had to obey. After all, there's a little dictator in every kid yearning to get out, right? Anyway, here are the five laws the new queen came up with for Kristenistan, along with my side commentary:

1.) "Black people and white people should have the right to sit wherever they want."

As you might have guessed, the lesson the day before was about the civil rights movement, so this really wasn't too much of a surprise and is, of course, an admirable sentiment to be expressed by a 7-year-old. But here comes the conservative teachable moment; an opportunity to convey the quintessential American notion of property rights, as well as the law of unintended consequences as it pertains to creating new laws.

"OK, Kristen. Let's say you use your allowance to buy a front-row ticket to see Dora the Explorer in concert. Does someone else, black or white, have the right to sit in your seat that you paid for? And do they have the right to sit in your seat at our dinner table?"


Correct. Lesson learned. Onward.

2.) "All campsites should have campfires."

This comes from the fact that we are leaving today for our two-week summer camping trip at Lake Tahoe, scene of a rather large forest fire earlier in the season. As such, the governor has decreed that campfires be banned for the duration of the summer. How, Kristen wondered, are we supposed to toast marshmallows and s'mores, let alone read ghost stories by the campfire if we're not allowed to have a campfire? Good question.

This presented an opportunity to teach about the dangers of government passing laws which punish a majority of responsible people for the actions of an irresponsible few, as well as the tendency of government to make rules, not because they are particularly effective, but because they make people think the government is doing something constructive. You know, like creating the TSA.

The fact is, I explained, more forest fires are started by lightning strikes than campfires built by responsible campers in a campground. By banning campfires in campgrounds, the government really didn't do anything to make forest fires less likely. Lightning will still strike, and irresponsible people not camping in a campground just ignore the law anyway. Only the innocent, law-abiding people are being harmed by this new rule. You know, like gun control laws. [or 2257]

3.) "Everybody should throw their trash out."

A fine sentiment. Who could argue with that, right? Yet still another teachable moment.

"What," I asked, "will you do to people who are caught littering?"

"I'll put them in jail and torture them!" (Ah, it's good ta be da Queen!)

"How long will you keep them in jail?"

"Three years."

"For littering? Isn't that a bit harsh? Who will take care of their children and feed them while they're in jail for three years? So, do you think maybe jail isn't the best punishment for doing something that doesn't really hurt other people?" You know, like putting dying cancer patients behind bars for smoking pot.

4.) "Everybody should have the right to go to at least one ball."

This comes from a combination of Cinderella and the fact that Kristen went to an inaugural ball for Nevada's new governor earlier this year (the same one who banned campfires!). 'Tis only natural to decree that everyone in Kristenistan have the opportunity to experience such an exciting event. I have no problem with this one, providing that the opportunity to go to a ball doesn't become an entitlement, a lesson better driven home after #5.

5.) "Every child should have a computer."

Yikes! How Al Gore-ish.

You see, folks, this is how liberalism gets its start. Kristen has a computer because her Dad worked hard to earn enough money to buy her one. But her friend up the street doesn't have a computer because her Dad can't afford it. And in the mind of a 7-year-old, that's not fair. So how does a 7-year-old fix this "injustice"? By passing a law mandating that every kid gets a computer.

"OK, Kristen, fine. Now.who's going to pay for the computers?"

"Uh, all of the people in Kristenistan will pitch in." You know, like taxes.

"But what if I don't want to give my money to buy someone else's kid a computer? What if I want to spend my money on something for MY kids? Will I have to chip in, or can I choose not to?"

I think you can guess where this one went from there.

The point here is that liberal tendencies are natural and begin at an early age. And the public schools won't do anything to discourage them. In fact, just the opposite.

So if you want your kids to learn that laws can have unintended consequences, that property rights are crucial rights (tell THAT to the Supreme Court!), that the innocent shouldn't be punished with the guilty, that punishment should fit the crime, that the government just doing "something" isn't really doing anything if all it does is make people feel better, that life isn't always fair, and that "good" ideas cost money which many people might not think is worth chipping in better teach them these lessons yourself.

If only members of Congress were smarter than 2nd-graders.

Chuck Muth is president of Citizen Outreach, a non-profit public policy advocacy organization in Washington, D.C.

I Saw Jesse Jane on Dr 90210 Last Night:

Getting her boobs redone yet again. It made me very sad.

Howard Stern Nabbed MY Letter From A. Nigger:

And read it on his show yesterday. Of course he didn't credit me, which is no big deal, he was washed up long ago. Word I get is that Adam and Eve is now split over the Long Dong Black Kong title. higher ups there have declined to comment.

The General consensus on Stern was that titles of this nature are in fact offensive. I'm Ok with that though, you have no right to not be offended.

My advice is if these titles are offensive to you don't buy/rent them and don't perform in them.

Who Cares About Piracy?:

Apparently nobody, not one of the companies listed below contacted me to find out where and how these DVDs were available for free. I think most of the porn companies think that these are low res poor quality rips, I think they fail to realize these are exact diplicates of the dvd, same quality same menus and all.

Lots of my readers are asking though.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Some Notes On Internext:


The show seems to have reached it's maturity and it runs well.The show floor is all but gone but the networking is where its at. Adult web people are interesting if you dont already know who is who you cant pick out the internet millionaires from the joe blows who just put up a vanity site for their girlfriend.

I had fun seeing old friends and talking business.

The coolest guy I met at the show..."Booble Bob" matter of fact all the Booble people are great guys...

Saturday, August 11, 2007

AVN Unveils New Site:


It's actually very well done, they got rid of the pop ups for one. it loads a little faster but I have yet to analyze what all info they are collecting from you. I still wouldnt try this site on dial up unless you have a lot of time to wait on it.

At first glance I noticed that the headlines continuously rotate and the adspace has been thinned a bit

Then I noticed a weekly (or so) podcast with none other tha HWMIC Paul Fishbein. The first one being with John Stagliano. As I listened to it it becanme very obvious its no more than a let John pimp his products bit.

Nothing about his lawsuit against kaytel, nothing about his HIV nothing controverial....a few political views but mostly a long ad for evil angel, fashionistsa (the vegas show) and various websites.

Id like to see this grow into something with more substance and hopefully it will.

Paul is a very nice guy and I dont see him getting controversial.

I think they need me to do a regular podcast, I have no problem asking tough questions, but in a nice manner....well...sometimes.

One thing I will say is that this site is WAY better than the xbiz site and it has good potential.

The serach function doesnt work (fails with a cold fusion error) but since the site hasnt yet been officially announced I wont hold that against them.