Friday, August 24, 2007

When The Going gets Tough, The Tough Go Fishing:

Im fishing in the annual MBARA Kingfish tournament this weekend, wish me luck! I havent fished as much as Id like this year due to the surgery and all but this will be a real test.

Expect pictures of dead fish.

A Doubting Thomas Questions My Sources And Causes a EXCLUSIVE:

A Doubting Thomas Questions My Sources And Causes a EXCLUSIVE:

ADT Writes:

"OK Mister Fucking Know It All. Who is the new contract girl that Club Jenna will announce this weekend. If you get this one I will bow before you and proclaim you to be Lord Master South of all the adult blogs."

OK ADT On your fucking knees...How dare you impugn my most excellent sources, truth is until your letter I didn't give it much thought but my all powerful and mighty sources once again had an immediate answer.

Meet Kendall


Oh ya she is smokin hot

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Happy Birthday To TIM CASE Who Turned 42 Yesterday!

Happy Birthday To TIM CASE Who Turned 42 Yesterday!

Monday, August 20, 2007

I don’t think that the industry has any idea of the exact magnitude of the torrent ability:

I don’t think that the industry has any idea of the exact magnitude of the torrent ability. Less than 1000 times will these DVD’s be downloaded on the torrent sites. This number includes the .avi file and the DVD version, which are 4.36 GB in size. However, I think the main point that most miss is the possibility of bootlegging one decent copy from the internet and then putting it on sale on the streets. This is the harder number to keep track of. If the piracy was limited to the internet, then this wouldn’t be much of a concern to the companies. My reason behind this theory is that the people that download the .avi version were not going to buy the DVD regardless. This type of user is just trying to secure the services of quick entertainment. What the industry fails to realize is the full menu versions, which sales from the bootlegged copy are immeasurable. Therefore, the industry should do more to prevent this. Their main problem is that shutting down one site usually leads to the birth of a more efficient, stealth site that shall provide the torrents to these users.

I am a graduating law student and have taken computer law. The recent case involving Grokster shed light on possible defenses against piracy. Grokster, unlike Napster, did not hold the files on its site. However, the entertainment industry won because Grokster was indirectly receiving the benefits of the pirated content, advertising revenue, mainly by providing access to the pirated content. All of these torrent sites operate off of advertising dollars. The connection has been made and the law is on the entertainment’s side.

The porn industry would have to consolidate their resources to attempt to shut down these sites, which is unlikely. Nevertheless, there is the ability to stop the bleeding momentarily, if albeit briefly.

Donnie Boy Riguez

P.S. A big fan, so keep up the good work.

I think Donnie hits the nail on the head. Apparently theres some concern over the issue that has prompted an industry round table in LA on Sept. 5th. While I applaud the concern it appears to me to be a bit misguided.

First thats only 2 weeks away and two weeks isnt long enough to even get their arms around the issue to know what they are discussing, much less propose solutions on how to fix it.

Second This needs to invlove people outside porn valley...particularly internet people and Sept 5th is unrealistic to ask them to participate. This should be done in conjunction with Adult Expo and Internext for maximum turnout and maximum effect. It seems business as usual in that Porn Valley seems to think that this business doesn't have anyone meaningful who doesn't operate from there. Too bad, it could have had potential, a reactionary response simply isnt going to cut it, or to coin a Mike South-ism You can take the right road, but if all you do is stand in the middle of it yer gonna be road kill.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Are Your Representatives More Conservative than a 2nd-Grader?


Are Your Representatives More Conservative than a 2nd-Grader?
Chuck Muth,
August 13, 2007

It's not in the interest of the government's education system to teach kids to question laws and challenge authority - you know, the way the Founding Fathers did. What's in the government's interest is blind obedience and unquestioning submission. You know, like the way everyone dutifully parades through those airport checkpoints without raising a stink. Baa-aaaa!

So even if you don't home-school your children, it's important for conservatives to teach their children what it means to really be an American citizen in this regard because, as the Founders recognized, freedom and liberty aren't a natural state of existence for human beings. Humans have an inherent desire for someone else to take care of them. You know, like Social Security.

Which brings me to the home-school lesson my 2nd-grader, Kristen, was hit with this week titled, "Rules and Laws." It turned out to be a rather interesting and eye-opening experience which I highly recommend to all conservatives with children of any age - ESPECIALLY if they're attending a public school: "Pretend you are a leader who is in charge of deciding the laws for your country. Create five new laws that the people of your country will have to obey."

As you can imagine, Kristen was in seventh heaven at the notion of running her own country and coming up with rules everyone else had to obey. After all, there's a little dictator in every kid yearning to get out, right? Anyway, here are the five laws the new queen came up with for Kristenistan, along with my side commentary:

1.) "Black people and white people should have the right to sit wherever they want."

As you might have guessed, the lesson the day before was about the civil rights movement, so this really wasn't too much of a surprise and is, of course, an admirable sentiment to be expressed by a 7-year-old. But here comes the conservative teachable moment; an opportunity to convey the quintessential American notion of property rights, as well as the law of unintended consequences as it pertains to creating new laws.

"OK, Kristen. Let's say you use your allowance to buy a front-row ticket to see Dora the Explorer in concert. Does someone else, black or white, have the right to sit in your seat that you paid for? And do they have the right to sit in your seat at our dinner table?"


Correct. Lesson learned. Onward.

2.) "All campsites should have campfires."

This comes from the fact that we are leaving today for our two-week summer camping trip at Lake Tahoe, scene of a rather large forest fire earlier in the season. As such, the governor has decreed that campfires be banned for the duration of the summer. How, Kristen wondered, are we supposed to toast marshmallows and s'mores, let alone read ghost stories by the campfire if we're not allowed to have a campfire? Good question.

This presented an opportunity to teach about the dangers of government passing laws which punish a majority of responsible people for the actions of an irresponsible few, as well as the tendency of government to make rules, not because they are particularly effective, but because they make people think the government is doing something constructive. You know, like creating the TSA.

The fact is, I explained, more forest fires are started by lightning strikes than campfires built by responsible campers in a campground. By banning campfires in campgrounds, the government really didn't do anything to make forest fires less likely. Lightning will still strike, and irresponsible people not camping in a campground just ignore the law anyway. Only the innocent, law-abiding people are being harmed by this new rule. You know, like gun control laws. [or 2257]

3.) "Everybody should throw their trash out."

A fine sentiment. Who could argue with that, right? Yet still another teachable moment.

"What," I asked, "will you do to people who are caught littering?"

"I'll put them in jail and torture them!" (Ah, it's good ta be da Queen!)

"How long will you keep them in jail?"

"Three years."

"For littering? Isn't that a bit harsh? Who will take care of their children and feed them while they're in jail for three years? So, do you think maybe jail isn't the best punishment for doing something that doesn't really hurt other people?" You know, like putting dying cancer patients behind bars for smoking pot.

4.) "Everybody should have the right to go to at least one ball."

This comes from a combination of Cinderella and the fact that Kristen went to an inaugural ball for Nevada's new governor earlier this year (the same one who banned campfires!). 'Tis only natural to decree that everyone in Kristenistan have the opportunity to experience such an exciting event. I have no problem with this one, providing that the opportunity to go to a ball doesn't become an entitlement, a lesson better driven home after #5.

5.) "Every child should have a computer."

Yikes! How Al Gore-ish.

You see, folks, this is how liberalism gets its start. Kristen has a computer because her Dad worked hard to earn enough money to buy her one. But her friend up the street doesn't have a computer because her Dad can't afford it. And in the mind of a 7-year-old, that's not fair. So how does a 7-year-old fix this "injustice"? By passing a law mandating that every kid gets a computer.

"OK, Kristen, fine. Now.who's going to pay for the computers?"

"Uh, all of the people in Kristenistan will pitch in." You know, like taxes.

"But what if I don't want to give my money to buy someone else's kid a computer? What if I want to spend my money on something for MY kids? Will I have to chip in, or can I choose not to?"

I think you can guess where this one went from there.

The point here is that liberal tendencies are natural and begin at an early age. And the public schools won't do anything to discourage them. In fact, just the opposite.

So if you want your kids to learn that laws can have unintended consequences, that property rights are crucial rights (tell THAT to the Supreme Court!), that the innocent shouldn't be punished with the guilty, that punishment should fit the crime, that the government just doing "something" isn't really doing anything if all it does is make people feel better, that life isn't always fair, and that "good" ideas cost money which many people might not think is worth chipping in better teach them these lessons yourself.

If only members of Congress were smarter than 2nd-graders.

Chuck Muth is president of Citizen Outreach, a non-profit public policy advocacy organization in Washington, D.C.

I Saw Jesse Jane on Dr 90210 Last Night:

Getting her boobs redone yet again. It made me very sad.

Howard Stern Nabbed MY Letter From A. Nigger:

And read it on his show yesterday. Of course he didn't credit me, which is no big deal, he was washed up long ago. Word I get is that Adam and Eve is now split over the Long Dong Black Kong title. higher ups there have declined to comment.

The General consensus on Stern was that titles of this nature are in fact offensive. I'm Ok with that though, you have no right to not be offended.

My advice is if these titles are offensive to you don't buy/rent them and don't perform in them.

Who Cares About Piracy?:

Apparently nobody, not one of the companies listed below contacted me to find out where and how these DVDs were available for free. I think most of the porn companies think that these are low res poor quality rips, I think they fail to realize these are exact diplicates of the dvd, same quality same menus and all.

Lots of my readers are asking though.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Some Notes On Internext:


The show seems to have reached it's maturity and it runs well.The show floor is all but gone but the networking is where its at. Adult web people are interesting if you dont already know who is who you cant pick out the internet millionaires from the joe blows who just put up a vanity site for their girlfriend.

I had fun seeing old friends and talking business.

The coolest guy I met at the show..."Booble Bob" matter of fact all the Booble people are great guys...

Saturday, August 11, 2007

AVN Unveils New Site:


It's actually very well done, they got rid of the pop ups for one. it loads a little faster but I have yet to analyze what all info they are collecting from you. I still wouldnt try this site on dial up unless you have a lot of time to wait on it.

At first glance I noticed that the headlines continuously rotate and the adspace has been thinned a bit

Then I noticed a weekly (or so) podcast with none other tha HWMIC Paul Fishbein. The first one being with John Stagliano. As I listened to it it becanme very obvious its no more than a let John pimp his products bit.

Nothing about his lawsuit against kaytel, nothing about his HIV nothing controverial....a few political views but mostly a long ad for evil angel, fashionistsa (the vegas show) and various websites.

Id like to see this grow into something with more substance and hopefully it will.

Paul is a very nice guy and I dont see him getting controversial.

I think they need me to do a regular podcast, I have no problem asking tough questions, but in a nice manner....well...sometimes.

One thing I will say is that this site is WAY better than the xbiz site and it has good potential.

The serach function doesnt work (fails with a cold fusion error) but since the site hasnt yet been officially announced I wont hold that against them.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Midori Writes:

I think people should simply put the shoe on the other foot and think about how it would feel to be poked fun at or demeaned, in front of the world...still? Do you really want to be responsible for opening up deep wounds from past hurts that some old idiots caused? Ask yourself what is the difference between you and them then?...We all should know better and do better!
My dad use to say "if you're not part of the solution, then you're part of the problem"

That's why I love and common sense.

And Midori Reminded Me Of A Porn Story I Will Alway Remember:

Way back when AVN used to do an annual Halloween party. I think it was 1997 that I flew out to L.A. and took Midori as my date.

I will never forget entering the party and mingling around and seeing a man dressed like Grandpa Munster from the TV show "The Munsters".

I walked up to this gentleman and complimented him on his costume, noting that he looked EXACTLY like Grandpa Munster, at which point he offered his hand and asked my name...."Mike South" I said, shaking his hand.

His reply; "Hi Mike Nice to meet you I'm Al Lewis"

No wonder his costume looked so real....

When I returned to Atlanta a couple of weeks after I got back Al was booked on a local Rock radio station 96 Rock and he told that story.

After that I always remembered him and he remembered me. He was a nice guy to be sure.

The Good Guys Win One:


LOS ANGELES — After slightly more than a day of deliberations, a nine-member federal jury has awarded Evil Angel $11.2 million in its piracy and copyright infringement case against Canadian distributor Kaytel, principal Alain Emaleh and Leisure Time Canada.

Jules Jordan, who was part of the Evil Angel lawsuit, was awarded slightly less than $5 million.

Of course as anyone who has ever dealt with a distributor in porn will tell you...winning a judgment is one thing...collecting it is quite another, but the good thing is theres one less piracy ring stealing from us.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

The Response To A. Nigger Has Been Interesting Indeed:

Peter Reynolds said Over on AVN:

Peter Reynolds said he stands by the title and denies all implications of racism.
"First of all, I think it's a parody, and the name is totally innocent," Reynolds told AVN. "The whole thing is supposed to be humorous, and we should all not take ourselves so seriously. We're getting a lot of pre-orders, so it's obviously resonating with the buyers out there, and that's making me happy."
Some might wonder if Mullen himself sent the initial e-mail to Mike South in order to drum up publicity for his movie. But the producer insists he did no such thing.

Now he didn't send that to ME but ...

Common Sense Writes:

par·o·dy [par-uh-dee] -noun
1.a humorous or satirical imitation of a serious piece of literature or writing: his hilarious parody of Hamlet's soliloquy.
2. the genre of literary composition represented by such imitations.
3 .a burlesque imitation of a musical composition.
4.any humorous, satirical, or burlesque imitation, as of a person, event, etc.
5. a poor or feeble imitation or semblance; travesty: His acting is a parody of his past greatness.
-verb (used with object)
7. to imitate (a composition, author, etc.) for purposes of ridicule or satire.
8. to imitate poorly or feebly; travesty.

For Reynolds to say this is a parody is complete idiocy. Pulp Friction was a parody, as was Lady Scarface and Britney Rears. I like definition 8. He's closer to a parody by definition. He imitates a literate professional poorly or feebly and the only travesty is that he still has a job. Too bad that earthquake we had here didn't shake some sense into Adam & Eve canning this clown.

Apparently my original writer is not alone in his views, he has written me again but doesn't wish to make any further comment because there is a lot of speculation about who A. Nigger is and it isn't to pat him on the back, more like shoot him there.

Personally I found it rather humorous that the reference to "Blackzilla" was made yet not one reference was made to a title that would indicate that Black men are something other than animals or monsters.

It's good that this issue has come to light, maybe Phil Harvey wasn't aware that he was putting his name on this.

Evil Angel Wins One BUT Is the War Lost?


Here are just a FEW titles available on the internet, for FREE in FULL DVD 5 or 9 with all menus and extras....IF one knows where to find them.

***Titles only available on***

and this is nowhere near all of them...these are only a few of the ones posted this week. These arent cheap rips these are full DVD rips, menus and all. and are digitally Identical to the master.

Every single studio in porn valley has product being stolen and posted daily. Evil Angel, Digital Playgroud, Vivid, Wicked, VCA, Hustler, Homegrown, Elegant Angel, Evasive Angles, Jules Jordan Video, Naughty America, Adam and Eve, Bad Seed, Third Degree, Zero Tolerance, Anabolic, Diabolic, 5th Element, Black Ice, Nectar, Platinum X, Red Light District, New Sensations, North Star...You get the picture.

Usually the title is available the same day its released, its free...anyone with internet can download it and burn it and play it on any DVD.

The big question is can it be stopped? The answer is....I doubt it.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Ya Gotta Admire Porners...Jeff Mullen Out Adellas Adella:


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Friday, August 8th, 2007

Is Long Dong Black Kong Too Shocking?

(HOLLYWOOD, CA) The interracial sex series Long Dong Black Kong makes a splashy debut August 14th from Bad Seed/X-Play and already the very thought of this title is being called offensive by some.

A letter posted on a prominent adult industry website stated that “it is insulting, degrading and I would honestly rather be called a nigger, that way I know where I stand with your company.”

“We knew we were creating something that was a bit shocking, but we thought it was going to be strictly from the fact that little white girls were getting screwed by massively large black dicks in living color,” stated the series’ director Will Ryder.

While dirty interracial sex is nothing new to the adult entertainment industry, it is in the way that these sweet innocent girls engage in sex under the rather daring and apparently shocking movie title that leads to such racist conclusions.

The very words Long Dong Black Kong is forging visions of King Kong which apparently is enough for some to pull the race card but the movie’s producers don’t see it that way.

“I never once thought about that until a girlfriend of mine pointed it out to me after she mentioned the title to her very shocked mother during a discussion,” stated the movie’s co-producer Jeff Mullen.

“I have met some scum bag racists over the years and we are not one of them. This is a very nicely produced interracial hardcore sex series and if we’ve pushed somebody’s buttons then so be it, but we didn’t intentionally go out to hurt anyone’s feelings,” Mullen offered.

“The message about Long Dong Black Kong should be that black is beautiful baby,” Ryder added. “Maybe we should have called the movie that instead, but Long Dong Black Kong just sounds so much better.”

The debut edition stars Emily Evermore, Veronique Vega, Bree Olson, Kissy Kapri, and Leah Luv in nasty action with Long Dong Black Kong in some spectacular, dirty sex positions.

The movie does open up with a mention that in the 1950s Brown versus the Board of Education paved the way for blacks and whites to integrate, but nobody thought that black guys would be banging while girls like this.

“This is not a racist series by any stretch of the imagination. It is shocking and graphic but most good porn is. We’re not living back in the 1950s during the era of the Board of Education”, Mullen concluded.

Long Dong Black Kong will be in stores everywhere August 14th from Bad Seed/X-Play. Ask for it by name! You’ll be glad you did.

Well as we all know, Will Ryder and Jeff Mullen are one and the same. What i wanna know is where is Adam and Eve ofn this issue...they haven't rang in that I know of. Maybe they can change the name to Adam and Eve and Long Dong Black Kong


Monday, August 6, 2007

Remember The Tampa Show Documentary?


Remember The Tampa Show Documentary?

Well You can see a trailer for it HERE

It has been in several film festivals and even won a time or two...check it out!

I'd Rather You Call Me A Nigger:

(Email sent to me by a black male performer)

Mr South,

I send this to you because I know you will post it honestly if you post it.

As black man, I am really getting tired of the way we are portrayed by our industry. We are made out either to be animals or monsters. It is bad enough when a gonzo company puts out a title like "Big Black Monster Dicks and Little White Chicks" but now we have a respected company releasing one called "Long Dong Black Kong" is this something that Adam and Eve is proud to put their name on? Some one needs to slap Peter Reynolds upside his fool head with a "Long Dong".

It is insulting, degrading and I would honestly rather be called a nigger, that way I know where I stand with your company.

Thank you Mike, for letting me get this off my chest.

A. Nigger

You are welcome man and I totally agree with you. If a company makes it's living doing schtick then hey if you want to be a part of that title gofor it, but for a ccompany like Adam and Eve, I agree with you that it is insulting, I don't think Phil Harvey intends togo the route of Extreme, but hell what do I know? Thanks for writing man and good luck.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Lisa Sparxxx is Booble's Girl of the Year:


Beating out the heavily favored Jesse Jane, who actually was never even in the running, it ended up being between Lisa and Brandy Talore, who had Howard Stern's support (kinda shows how irrelevant he has become huh...)

Congrats to Lisa

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Can Some Explain To Me (Stormy Daniels on ABC Nightline):


Why it is that when some moronic airhead goes on Howard Stern to judge a vomiting contest or some other such crap all of porndom writes about it.

Yet when a well spoken contract performer and producer director goes on Nightline and goes toe to toe with Martin Bashir AND serves our industry well...nobody gives a rats ass

To see it go here

Damn well done Stormy, we need more girls like you in the biz and a lot less idiots.

Check Your Dead Pool:

If you had Ingmar Bergman, Tom Snyder and Bill Walsh you have a winner.

Kimberly Writes:

So far this was my only hate mail, I expected more

I can't believe that you believe animals" DO NOT THINK or have the ability to Rationalize and use Logic." That is the most narrow minded statement I've ever heard from you. Maybe your [I think she means You're] not as intelligent and aware as I thought! And just because something is OWNED doesn't mean it should be abused, no matter what kind of animal it is!!!!! It's bad enough that people beat and mame [maim] each other, we're suppose [supposed] to be the "intelligent" ones. These animals are taught and bread [bred] for fighting they do not Choose it! Not only is it cruel, this sport has produced a very dangerous bread [breed] of animal. They and their owners pose a threat to innocent children and adults. They are bead [bred] to attack and not let go until their pray [prey] is dead. So, who do you pro posse [propose] protect us from those "dumbass jock" that bread [breed] these Killing Machines? As much as I hate the government sticking their nose where it doesn't belong, we do need laws to protect us from people that don't feel or think of anyone but themselves! What about a married couple, is a spouse entitled to abuse the other just because the other chooses to stay? We need laws to protect those (human & animal) who can't protect themselves! I wish they did more listening to the people's needs and less to their own (wallets)!

And as far as animal intelligence you obviously don't do enough reading! I suggest you do some research on the subject! I personally think animals are more intelligent then [than] some humans! Think about it, why do you think the Dolphins hang around the boat? To just say "Hi"or they know your bait attracts fish!!!!!!!


OK I ain't gonna beat up on Kimberly about her spelling but ya gotta admit it IS funny. But the thing that really gets me is the lack of reading comprehension. I didn't write a word of that FRANK DID! and now that I have sufficiently tossed Frank under the bus....It should be pretty obvious that his screed was very tongue in cheek.

Now you will note Kimberly did not say that she was against rat fighting, or for that matter pig fighting, the benefits of which would feed the poor...assuming the poor, of course aren't jewish but then when is the last time you saw a poor Jewish person? Cept maybe Luke Ford....but he dont eat any kind of meat so it doesnt matter.

Frank Responds To Kimberly:


I can’t Thank You enough for posting K’s well thought out response to my observations and satirical proposal. It has truly made getting out of bed before noon worth with effort.

If you’d be so kind, I would like to make a comment or two.

K writes:
I can't believe that you believe animals" DO NOT THINK or have the ability to Rationalize and use Logic."

Frank responds:
As Mike pointed out, Frank was signed at the bottom of the article as well as a disclaimer (Frank writes) inserted into the title. K missed this point entirely, demonstrating her lack of attention from the start. ( I assume K is a her, based solely on the wild illogic and complete lack of reason. IF I am mistaken on this account I apologize. However, I do find myself wondering if your name ends with an “ i “.)

Make NO Mistake. I DO NOT BELIEVE, any animal other than humans have the ability to Think, Rationalize or use Logic. That does not mean however they are incapable of instinctively knowing to eat a banana –vs- a stone. When a parrot speaks, does it know what it is saying or is it simply mimicking what it has heard? Animals survive solely on instinctive behavior. They are able to perform various tasks given them, these tasks being taught on a Pleasure-Pain (reward basis, if that term makes you “feel” better) level. IF, the said animal could in fact “think, reason or use logic” they would not stop at pushing the swimmer around in a pool to get a single fish. THEY would “understand” the basis of the reward and devise other similar tricks in order to procure more of their desired object. This is not done. They simply do what they have “learned” without any reasoning into how they received their reward or how to obtain more. When given the signal again, they repeat the task.

K writes:
And just because something is OWNED doesn't mean it should be abused, no matter what kind of animal it is!!!!!

Frank responds:
No mention was made as to My Approval or Disapproval of animal abuse. I simply pointed out the inconsistency in the argument being made. Although, I did suggest using a different species and provided what I deem as benefits from doing so.

K writes:
These animals are taught and bread [bred] for fighting they do not Choose it!

Frank responds:
As for them “not choosing to fight”. If, as you propose, animals have the ability to reason and use logic, they MUST be choosing to fight. Otherwise, they would see the destructiveness in it and refuse. Unless, however, they enjoy the competitive nature in the sport and rewards associated with winning. Much like the “Ultimate Fighters” of our own species.

K writes:
So, who do you pro posse [propose] protect us from those "dumbass jock" that bread [breed] these Killing Machines?

Frank responds:
Self preservation is, or should be, your primary defense. Neither the Federal nor State Governments are purposed with protecting the citizens from mean dogs. Your local police are not able to protect you from every mishap that may come your way. If you believe by passing more laws they will, you are going to be sorely disappointed. I suggest you lock yourself in a secure closet wearing a helmet and pads and arrange for provisions to be brought to you.

K writes:
As much as I hate the government sticking their nose where it doesn't belong, we do need laws to protect us from people that don't feel or think of anyone but themselves!

Frank responds:
Based on your previous statements, it would seem you DO believe the government should “stick its nose” into every aspect of our personal lives. How else is it going to Protect Us?

K writes:
What about a married couple, is a spouse entitled to abuse the other just because the other chooses to stay? We need laws to protect those (human & animal) who can't protect themselves!

Frank responds:
Self preservation is again required here. One must make choices and take responsibility for oneself. That in NO WAY gives one individual the right to abuse (physically or mentally) another. However, it does not excuse one from their personal responsibly to depart from an abusive situation. Yes, there are times when a third party is needed to assist in that departure. Many times however, the abused return to abusive situations because of their lack of good choices. Neither the Government, the Church nor Good Intentioned Friends can force someone else to make good choices.

K writes:
I personally think animals are more intelligent then [than] some humans!

Frank responds:
Here in lies part of K’s frustration. Although I may agree I enjoy the company of some animals over the company or some individuals, I certainly could not agree that an animal is more intelligent than a human. K espouses great love and caring for animals yet displays a low regard for humanity. Thus elevating the lower life form above the higher. This is an act of self deprecation and if carried to its fruition, is ultimately destructive.

As much as K would like to believe otherwise, Lassie will not be capable of licking the wounds of this destructive belief.


Monday, July 30, 2007

Michael Vick...Just Another.....Thug:


I haven't written about the whole Michael Vick thing in part because Im not a football fan, I always figured if you showed me a guy glued to a TV set on a beautiful fall afternoon I could show you a guy that wasn't getting any.

The other reason is because he is a disgusting human being.and was even before the dogfighting charges. I can't help think that if Arthur Blank had called him on the carpet for the numerous other incidents he has been involved in maybe this wouldnt have happened even though I know in my head it still would have. Once a thug getting drafted into the NFL isn't going to suddenly make you into a respectable human being.

OK I'm Probably Going To Catch Mountains Of Hell Over This One...But It IS Well Thought Out

Ban Rat Fights Too? (Frank Writes):

I called my proxy friend today. I refer to Neal Boortz as my “proxy friend” due to the fact that I’ve never really met him or talk to him for that matter. Well, except for the time I went to have him sign his book “The Fair Tax” for me. No chat though, just sign and move along. I suppose the other reason is, most mornings I’m listening to him rant about this or that. Today he was ranting about Michal Vick and dog fighting.

Boortz made the comment that he was having a difficult time reconciling his libertarian views with organized dog fighting. However, he admitted to leaning more to side of this sport being outlawed than to the more rational side of simply disapproving. This put me to thinking so I called to disagree. And to the front of the line I go. [When a caller calls in to disagree with Boortz that caller moves to the top of the line]

Now bare in mind, I only had seconds to introduce reason and this being my radio debut I probably didn’t do too well. But in a nutshell, here was my retort.

Boortz is wrong to agree with outlawing organized dog fights. As I mentioned to him, if M. Vick and friends were betting on rats fighting, you wouldn’t see or hear any big lamenting going on over it. So what’s the difference? And here’s where Boortz caves to “feelings” and/or public opinion. Personally I think it’s his love for his own beast that interferes with his rational thoughts. He actually stated on the radio that he would be in favor of a law to prohibit organized rat fights. Opposing it, on the basis of animal cruelty. Of course. I suppose it’d be bad for the psyche of “the children” too, if they were to hear of such a brutal practice. Well, he thanked me for calling and moved on. I suspect he knew I was correct and simply didn’t wish to admit it.

Rat fight

Now bare with me here and just consider this;

If you believe in private property and all the rights therein, and you recognize that animals of a lower intelligence level than humans can and are the property of humans, then you must agree that outlawing organized dog fights is WRONG. You may dislike the act and you may do whatever is within your ability to discourage others from participating. It is not however your right to forbid them from using their property as they wish. So long as it does not infringe on your individual rights. Incidentally, not being “offended” and all other such terms, ARE NOT RIGHTS.
We humans use animals of every sort in every way imaginable and we’ve been doing it ever since God gave us dominion over them.
o From sending them into space
o To locking them in cages so we can gawk at them
o We hunt them for sport, both leaving the carcass where is falls as well as dragging it home to hang on our walls.
o We create reservations for them. Both to protect the species from extinction as well as to provide luxuriant hunting grounds for those who dare not venture too far into the wild.
o We expend enormous amounts of personal wealth on them, wishing (and some believing) they will love us for doing so. Thus erroneously embodying them with human attributes.
o We breed them to achieve what we consider a more desirable species, shuning the original as inferior.
o Some of our more depraved brethren even have sex with them. It’s only a crime if you can show the horse didn’t enjoy it. I’ll let you look up the court case on this one, but I assure you it exists.

So why are so many people condemning Michal Vick for doing what has been done since the beginning of time and only recently outlawed? I submit to you, the primary reasons are; the erosion of private property rights and politicians pandering to the dumb-masses who “feel” rather than think.

Ponder with me for a moment;

If this is truly about animal cruelty, shouldn’t there be just as large an outcry for the other “abuses” perpetrated on other animals? Is it “fair” to lure animals into a trap designed to smash, starve, dehydrate or hold them in place for their throat to be cut or electrocuted? Since we’ve embodied them with human attributes (some even proposing giving them “rights”) isn’t it wrong for us to impose our desires on their propagation needs? (By the way, one can not give someone or some thing a “right”. One can only deprive others of their rights.)
As I submitted, if Michal Vick and friends had in fact been organizing rat fights, the only issue at hand would be the government not getting its take.

Rat fighter
As “unfair” as this may be. The simple truth is, this issue really has nothing to do with animal cruelty. People just like dogs better then rats, and I don’t disagree with that. I’d much prefer waking to a pooch licking my face than a rat chewing my ear.
However, I recognize dogs, cats, apes, gerbils, parrots, etc… ARE LOWER LIFEFORMS than Humans. They DO NOT THINK or have the ability to Rationalize and use Logic. ( O.K. I realize most humans are questionable here too, however they do in fact have the capacity. They have simply chosen not to use it in many cases.) Some have been domesticated for our various pleasures. ALL are dominated by mankind and are owned by man.
We as a capitalistic nation have agreed to accept the existence of person property rights. This DOES NOT mean the government has given us the right to own property. Rather just the opposite. Personal Property Rights Exist. We as a nation simply recognized that fact and forbade the government from depriving us of them.
Over time the weak minded and those who wish to control their fellows for their own benefit have slowly abdicated and usurped the rights of others. I suggest only that we should rationally consider our positions on ALL matters, particularly the small ones, as they are the foundation to the larger ones, before renunciation of further rights. Once abandoned only the most drastic measures can re-establish what belongs.

Bottom line? . Michal Vick is just another dumbass jock who played the part of jester, ultimately upsetting the kingdom with his disreguard toward the courts mascot. If he had trained and fought rats, his only crime would be the avoidance of Uncle Sams cut.

My advice to the future jock with more money and time than he knows what to do with and who has a bit of a Bad Boy streak but needs some good PR. Organize, train and fight Pigs, Boars, Hogs. Lets face it, people don’t really like them all that much. You hardly ever hear about a pet pig, except for Arnold Ziffle on Peticoat Junction and that was long ago. This will satisfy the underground gambling need you have by still not kicking up to Uncle Sam, the sadistic in you too. Pigs squealing for help sounds almost human. Best of all, after the fight when you slaughter the loser you can BBQ him and “Feed Da Poor”. Not only getting rid of evidence but helping your fellow man too. Just don’t charge him for the pork chops, that would counteract the whole good deed thing. So, what’s not like?

Just trying to bring a little reason to a problem before some damn politician jumps on the bandwagon and introduces a Bill to Outlaw Rat Fighting too. Just remember, “The Sleep of Reason, Brings Forth Monsters.”
